Custom Software Development
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QuoteWerks Line Item Sort utility

For use with: QuoteWerks v4.0 build 17 to v25.0 build 1.18

About the User: This project was commissioned by a client who sells IT equipment and services. When building a quote for a project, they will commonly receive quotes from Suppliers themselves which they import into QuoteWerks.

Project Brief: Importing the quotes from Suppliers into QuoteWerks works fine, but the resulting quotation is not grouped is a way which they feel makes it easy for their prospect to understand. With some quotations potentially containing several hundred Line Items, it can be very time-consuming for the User to reorganise the Line Items. The brief was to allow a User to simply assign a Group Name to each Line Item and then for a utility to reorganise the quotation into the Groups.

The screenshots below illustrate a very simple example of an AVNet quotation which has been imported. The Document has just two Line Items on it (one ‘Hardware’, one ‘Software’). The screenshots show before and after sorting:

QuoteWerks Line Item Sort utility (before)
QuoteWerks Line Item Sort utility (after)


  • Creating Comment Line Type Group Headers for each section.
  • Organising Line Items within the Group while retaining the overall sequence of Line Items in the quotation.
  • Configuration options to tailor which field is used to specify the Group Name, whether to check that the Document has been saved, etc.
  • Support for QuoteWerks Standard, Professional and Corporate editions.


  • Considerable time-saving as compared to manually sorting a Document with a large number of Line Items.
  • Intuitive method of applying the Group Names and then sorting the Document.
  • Easy to sort and re-sort if Line Items aren’t immediately Grouped as you might like.
  • The utility seamlessly runs from the QuoteWerks Tools menu so the User experience is that they are using a QuoteWerks native feature.

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