Software Services
Integration and bespoke add-on solutions
For use by:
- Businesses that would like to improve their efficiency by better using the software they have.
- Business that use Microsoft, Pegasus, QuoteWerks or Sage software in their back office.
- Microsoft CRM, Microsoft RMS, Pegasus Opera, QuoteWerks, Swiftpage (was Sage) ACT!, Sage CRM, Sage Instant, Sage 50, Sage 100 or Sage 200 users that want to work more efficiently and get more from their day.
0844 357 7360
or +44 (0)1273 013695
If an appropriate solution is not available off the shelf to meet your
requirements, or you’ve got a bespoke solution already which you
need to add some extra functionality, we can help!
We like to work closely with our customers to provide a solution-focussed
service. We generally adopt an “agile” project management
methodology which we find provides both a structure to work in, with
the flexibility to adjust focus as your business needs dictate.
Above all, we aim to secure loyal customers by delivering what you want,
when you need it, always striving to exceed your expectations of
professionalism and quality.
We have extensive experience in delivering bespoke software development solutions
from the ground up. Plus, a library of projects that we have delivered to
build on existing off-the-shelf applications (Microsoft, Pegasus, QuoteWerks
and Sage).
With our business experience and portfolio of existing products and projects, we can deliver
you solutions efficiently and cost-effectively to ensure that you get
a solution which supports your business to return a fast return on your investment.
To learn more about how we approach the process of developing bespoke software
solutions, please see our analysis and design,
development and testing and
implementation and training pages, plus the
project management,
quality management and
support management which bring the overall process together.