
000030 : How does ConnectIt match the Customer information between QuoteWerks and Sage?

Created: 11 Aug 2007
Last Updated: 08 Oct 2007
ConnectIt may perform up to four steps when trying to match the QuoteWerks Company details to a Sage Customer account. ConnectIt will only move on to the next step if the Customer account was not found in the current step.

The steps are as follows:

1. If the Sage Customer Account Reference is in QuoteWerks configuration option is ticked then ConnectIt will perform a case insensitive search of the selected QuoteWerks custom field to the Account Reference field in Sage.

2. ConnectIt performs a case sensitive Fast Find full text search, matching the appropriate QuoteWerks ShipTo / SoldTo / BillTo Company Name to a Sage Customer Name.

3. ConnectIt performs a case insensitive sequential full text search, matching the appropriate QuoteWerks ShipTo / SoldTo / BillTo Company Name to a Sage Customer Name.

4. ConnectIt performs a case insensitive sequential partial text search, matching the ā€˜nā€™ characters of the appropriate QuoteWerks ShipTo / SoldTo / BillTo Company Name to a Sage Customer Name.

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