
000008 : How does ConnectIt get Nominal Code for the Products on a Document?

Created: 08 Aug 2007
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2007
There are three ways that ConnectIt can get a Nominal Code for the products on the QuoteWerks document.

Firstly, if the QuoteWerks Line Item has a Manufacturer Part Number (QuoteWerks terminology) / Product Code (Sage and ConnectIt terminology), ConnectIt will search Sage for this product code. If the Product Code is found in Sage, the associated Nominal Code for the invoice Line Item will be used.

Secondly, if the QuoteWerks Line Item has a blank a product code, ConnectIt will check its Configuration settings to see whether documents are allowed to be created without product codes in Sage. If this is permitted, ConnectIt will use the Nominal Code set by the user in the ConnectIt Configuration.

Lastly, if the QuoteWerks Line Item has a product code (or a blank Product Code) which ConnectIt can not find in Sage, ConnectIt will check its Configuration settings to see whether documents are allowed to be created even if products do not exist in Sage. If this is permitted, and

1. If the user has entered a product code (other than “S1”, “S2”, “S3” or < blank>) in the ConnectIt Configuration, ConnectIt will search in Sage for this “default” product code, and if the code is found, then ConnectIt will use that product code and Nominal Code in Sage.

2. Alternatively, if the user has not entered a product code or used the Sage “S1”, “S2” or “S3” Product Codes, then ConnectIt will use this product code and the Nominal Code entered in the ConnectIt Configuration.

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