000073 : Error (53) File not found
Created: |
12 Aug 2007 |
Last Updated: |
05 Jul 2012 |
Error (53) File not found.
Error executing Command Line!
C:\Program Files\HilltopsIT\ConnectIt\ConnectIt.exe AAAI1001
Cause |
ConnectIt may not have been installed on your computer or if it has, then it may have been installed to a non-default directory.
Resolution |
If ConnectIt has not been installed on your computer, then please install and register it. Please refer to the ConnectIt Step-by-Step Guide to Installation for further information.
If ConnectIt has been installed on your computer, then please check the directory path where it has been installed. Follow the steps in our How do I manually add ConnectIt functions to the QuoteWerks menu knowledgebase article to check the details and resolve this issue.
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