Below is a list of all of the fields that are supported by the ConnectIt-Sage200 Vendor field &QWVE_ macros. In order to use these macros within the ConnectIt Configuration, the macro should be entered with the &QWVE_ prefix followed by the database field name. For example, to use the value from the AccountNumber field, then the macro should be entered as &QWVE_AccountNumber.
The full list of field names available is as follows:
AccountNumber, CompanyName, CostModifier, DefaultNotes, Department, Email, ID, MinOrderAmount, MinOrderFee, Mobile, Name, ReturnAddress1, ReturnAddress2, ReturnAddress3, ReturnCity, ReturnContact, ReturnCountry, ReturnFax, ReturnPhone, ReturnPostalCode, ReturnState, Address1, Address2, Address3, City, State, PostalCode, Country, PhoneExt, Phone, FaxExt, Fax, SalesRep, Terms, Title, FreeShippingMinimum