
000341 : ConnectIt-Sage200 Document Header Field Macros (&QWDH_)

Created: 17 Feb 2015
Last Updated: 17 Feb 2015
Below is a list of all of the fields that are supported by the ConnectIt-Sage200 Document Header field &QWDH_ macros. In order to use these macros within the ConnectIt Configuration, the macro should be entered with the &QWDH_ prefix followed by the database field name. For example, to use the value from the CustomText01 field, then the macro should be entered as &QWDH_CustomText01.

The full list of field names available is as follows:
DocNo, DocName, DocDate, DocDueDate, DocType, DocStatus, SalesRep, ProjectNo, ShipVia, FOB, Terms, SoldToPONumber, ExchangeRate, IntroductionNotes, ClosingNotes, InternalNotes, PurchasingNotes, SubTotal, LocalTax, GSTTax, TotalTax, CreatedBy, Created, LastModified, ConvertedOn, ConvertedRef, ConvertedBy, CustomText01, CustomText02, CustomText03, CustomText04, CustomText05, CustomText06, CustomText07, CustomText08, CustomText09, CustomText10, CustomText11, CustomText12, CustomText13, CustomText14, CustomText15, CustomText16, CustomNumber01, CustomNumber02, CustomDate01, CustomDate02, SoldToCompany, SoldToContact, SoldToTitle, SoldToAddress1, SoldToAddress2, SoldToAddress3, SoldToCity, SoldToState, SoldToPostalCode, SoldToCountry, SoldToEmail, SoldToPhoneExt, SoldToPhone, SoldToFaxExt, SoldToFax, ShipToCompany, ShipToContact, ShipToTitle, ShipToAddress1, ShipToAddress2, ShipToAddress3, ShipToCity, ShipToState, ShipToPostalCode, ShipToCountry, ShipToEmail, ShipToPhoneExt, ShipToPhone, ShipToFaxExt, ShipToFax, BillToCompany, BillToContact, BillToTitle, BillToAddress1, BillToAddress2, BillToAddress3, BillToCity, BillToState, BillToPostalCode, BillToCountry, BillToEmail, BillToPhoneExt, BillToPhone, BillToFaxExt, BillToFax, ContractStartDate, ContractEndDate

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