000335 : Nominal Codes for Line Items when viewed on the Sage 200 Sales Ledger
Created: |
20 Jan 2015 |
Last Updated: |
20 Jan 2015 |
I have two Line Items on my QuoteWerks Document; each have different Nominal Codes associated to them. When I transfer the QuoteWerks Document as a Sales Order and review the details on the Sales Ledger Customer Transaction Enquiry screen in Sage 200, the items are listed as two distinct rows against the different Nominal Codes. However, if I transfer the same QuoteWerks Document as a Pro Forma Invoice, then the Sales Ledger Customer Transaction Enquiry screen in Sage 200 show just one row.
Resolution |
ConnectIt does not attempt to apply different Nominal Codes to Line Items on Sales Order versus Invoices. ConnectIt relies on Sage 200’s API to apply the appropriate Nominal Codes and does not explicitly write them itself. We can therefore only conclude that it must be ‘something’ in Sage 200 which is preferring one versus two Lines in the Sales Ledger when Documents are created as Pro Forma Invoices versus Sales Orders.
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