000332 : Fatal error occurred in ConnectIt-Workflow: unable to cast COM object
Created: |
04 Dec 2014 |
Last Updated: |
04 Dec 2014 |
ConnectIt-Workflow Validation
A fatal error occurred in ConnectIt-Workflow: unable to cast COM object of type ‘System.__ComObject’ to interface type ‘QuoteWerks.Application&rsquo. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM object for the interface ID ‘{12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}&rsquo failed due to the following error: no such interface supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).
ConnectIt-Workflow will now exit.
Cause |
This may be because you are attempting to run QuoteWerks version v5.x with a version v1.x of ConnectIt-Workflow Validation Module or a QuoteWerks version v4.x with a version v2.x of ConnectIt-Workflow Validation Module.
Please note that:
- ConnectIt-Workflow Validation Module v1.x is compatible with v4.x versions of QuoteWerks only.
- ConnectIt-Workflow Validation Module v2.x is compatible with v5.x versions of QuoteWerks only.
Resolution |
Please upgrade / downgrade your systems for the compatible versions; in you require a v1.x version of ConnectIt-Workflow, then contact your ConnectIt Reseller or us for a download link.
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