
000329 : ConnectIt-Sage200 Configuration: Advanced Settings | Document Transfer | Sage 200 (Sales) tab

Created: 26 Nov 2014
Last Updated: 07 Oct 2015
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  • When transferring QuoteWerks document information into Sage, if the Customer is on hold in Sage the transfer will fail. If you would like ConnectIt to transfer the Document even if the Customer is on hold in Sage, then tick Transfer Document even if the Customer is ‘On Hold’ in Sage 200. This will then enable the option to put the Sales Document ‘On Hold’; if you would like ConnectIt to place the Sales Document ‘On Hold’ then tick the Place Sales Document ‘On Hold’ in Sage 200 if Customer ‘On Hold’ option.
  • When transferring QuoteWerks document information into Sage, if there is no free stock available in Sage for a product the transfer will fail. If you would like ConnectIt to transfer the document even if there is no free stock available, then tick Transfer document even if no free stock is available in Sage 200.
  • When transferring QuoteWerks document information into Sage, if you do not want Stock to be Allocated then tick the Do not Allocate Stock in Sage 200 even though option set in Sage 200 option.
  • When transferring QuoteWerks document information into Sage, you will be prompted by ConnectIt if the Sage login does not have permission to change Selling and/or Cost Prices. If you would prefer not to be prompted, then tick the Suppress prompts that Sage 200 Selling Prices may not be updated and/or Suppress prompts that Sage 200 Cost Prices may not be updated box(es) to suppress the prompt(s).
  • If you have selected the Suppress prompts that Sage 200 Selling Prices may not be updated option, then you will also have the option to force the price to be updated by ticking the Override Sage 200 Selling Prices even though the User does not have Feature option.
  • When transferring QuoteWerks document information into Sage, if an Item is not available from the Default Warehouse, then the transfer will fail. If you would like ConnectIt to transfer the Document even if the Item is not available from the Default Warehouse then tick Suppress prompts that an Item is not available from the default Warehouse.
  • When transferring QuoteWerks document information into Sage, if the Requested and/or Promised Delivery Dates are in the past, then the transfer will fail. If you would like ConnectIt to transfer the Document even if Requested and/or Promised Delivery Dates are in the past then tick Suppress prompts that Delivery Dates are in the past.
  • Click the Save button to retain the settings on the Advanced | Document Transfer | Sage 200 tab.

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