- If you want to use the currency exchange rate from QuoteWerks for the Sage sales document, then tick the Sales Order Exchange Rate from QuoteWerks Exchange Rate tick box. Alternatively, to use the current exchange rate set in Sage, leave the box un-ticked.
- If you want to use the tax rate from the Sage Customer record for sales documents, then tick the Sales Order Tax Rate from Sage Customer tick box. Alternatively, to use the tax rate set in QuoteWerks, leave the box un-ticked.
- If you want to specify in QuoteWerks where by default stock is to be supplied from, tick the By Default Supply from QuoteWerks box and then select the QuoteWerks field which contains the default Warehouse name.
- If you want to specify in QuoteWerks the Order Priority in Sage, tick the Order Priority from QuoteWerks box and then select the QuoteWerks field which contains the Order Priority information.
- If you want to be prompted that transferring the current QuoteWerks document into Sage would cause the customer to exceed their Credit Limit in Sage, tick the Prompt if Document would exceed Credit Limit box. ConnectIt will then ask if you wish to proceed with the document transfer or cancel the transfer.
- If you want to copy the Shipping Cost value from QuoteWerks into a Sage Additional Charge Item Line, then tick the Transfer Shipping Cost from QuoteWerks option. Ticking this option will then enable the Shipping Cost Code and Description fields so that the appropriate values can be set. The Shipping Cost Code must already exist as an Additional Charge Line Type in Sage or the line may not be created in Sage. Please also note that Additional Charge Codes are case-sensitive.
- Click the Save button to retain the settings on the Documents (Sales Documents) tab.