- If you have the Sage Customer Account Reference within the QuoteWerks document, then tick the Sage Customer Account Reference is in QuoteWerks box. Ticking the Sage Customer Account Reference is in QuoteWerks box enables the Account Reference field dropdown; select the appropriate custom field where the Sage Customer Account Reference is held. Note: If, when transferring a document from QuoteWerks to Sage, the selected Account Reference field is blank or the account number detailed in the field cannot be found, the user will be prompted as to whether ConnectIt should perform searches on the Company Name in an attempt to find an account reference.
- The # characters to use in Customer ‘n’ character Find defines how many characters from the start of the QuoteWerks Company Name that ConnectIt will use in trying to find a match. Setting this value to the maximum 30 turns the 'n' character search off. Note: For more details on how ConnectIt attempts to match the QuoteWerks Company Name to a Sage Account Reference, please refer to the ConnectIt online Knowledgebase.
- If you would like ConnectIt to calculate the correct Sage Country Code for the sales document in Sage from the Delivery Address in QuoteWerks, tick the Calculate Sage Sales Document Country Code from QuoteWerks Delivery Address box.
- If the customer’s VAT number is within the QuoteWerks document, tick the Customer VAT No. Reference is in QuoteWerks box. Ticking the Customer VAT No. Reference is in QuoteWerks box will activate the VAT No. Reference field drop down list enabling you to select the QuoteWerks field that the customer’s VAT number is held in. Once you have ticked the Customer VAT No. Reference is in QuoteWerks box the value from the VAT No. Reference field in QuoteWerks will then be transferred into the Sage sales document Tax Number field when transferring documents. Note: When using the ConnectIt Create Customer in Sage wizard, the customer’s VAT number will also be transferred from the selected QuoteWerks field into the VAT Number field in the Customer Record in Sage.
- Ticking the Enable Tax Code Calculation box will activate the Euro Tax Code and Zero Rated Tax Code boxes enabling the appropriate fields to be selected for these codes. Once Enable Tax Code Calculation is selected, ConnectIt will now calculate the tax code using the VAT Number and Delivery Address Country when the document is transferred to Sage. Note: To enable this option to use the correct tax code during document creation, the VAT number for customers needs to be entered in the field selected in the VAT No. Reference field drop down list box.
- Once Enable Tax Code Calculation is selected, you now also have the option to set the Create Customer Wizard to load Default Tax Code which automatically calculates the Customer’s Tax Code from the entry in the VAT No. Reference field and the selected SoldTo/BillTo Country.
- If when using the Create Customer(s) in Sage Wizard, you would like the Alternate Currency to be read from the QuoteWerks document for the new customer in Sage, then tick the Create Customer Wizard to load Alternate Currency box.
- If you would like to select the Delivery Address for each Sales Document from either QuoteWerks or Sage, tick the Select Sales Delivery Address for each transfer option box. Note: If you choose to use the Invoice Address as the Delivery Address then Tax Code Calculation will be disabled for that document transfer as Sage overwrites the tax code values with the Customer’s default information.
- Click the Save button to retain the settings on the Customers tab.