Below is a list of all of the fields that are supported by the ConnectIt Document Item field &QWDI_ macros. In order to use these macros within the ConnectIt Configuration, the macro should be entered with the &QWDI_ prefix followed by the database field name. For example, to use the value from the CustomText01 field, then the macro should be entered as &QWDI_CustomText01.
The full list of field names available is as follows:
LineAttributes, LineNumber, LineType, QtyBase, QtyMultiplier1, QtyMultiplier2, QtyMultiplier3, QtyMultiplier4, QtyTotal, QtyGroupMultiplier, Description, Notes, Comment, ItemType, VendorPartNumber, Vendor, ManufacturerPartNumber, Manufacturer, PONumber, SONumber, OrderDate, SerialNumber, CloseProbability, PriceProfile, TaxCode, UnitCost, CostModifier, UnitPrice, PriceModifier, UnitList, ExtendedCost, ExtendedPrice, ExtendedList, SalesTax, ShippingAmount, TaxRate, AlternateUnitCost, AlternateUnitPrice, AlternateUnitList, AlternateExtendedCost, AlternateExtendedPrice, AlternateExtendedList, AlternateSalesTax, AlternateShippingAmount, ExtendedWeight, UnitOfMeasureFactor, UnitOfMeasure, UnitOfPricingFactor, UnitOfPricing, UnitWeight, CustomText01, CustomText02, CustomText03, CustomText04, CustomText05, CustomText06, CustomText07, CustomText08, CustomText09, CustomText10, CustomText11, CustomText12, CustomText13, CustomText14, CustomText15, CustomText16, CustomText17, CustomText18, CustomText19, CustomText20, CustomNumber01, CustomNumber02, CustomNumber03, CustomNumber04, CustomNumber05, CustomDate01, CustomDate02, CustomMemo01, CustomMemo02, ItemURL, VendorSourcing, PictureFile, RecurringStartDate, RecurringEndDate, SpecSheetFile