000251 : Incorrect Tax Code on Sales Documents
Created: |
16 Feb 2011 |
Last Updated: |
17 Feb 2011 |
The tax code is incorrect on sales documents transferred by ConnectIt-Sage200
Cause |
The ConnectIt-Sage200 configuration is incorrect.
Resolution |
By default ConnectIt finds a Sage tax code that matches the QuoteWerks document tax rate and this is used for the Document. This may not be correct for your business.
You have 2 options to resolve this depending on how you need ConnectIt to transfer tax codes.
1) You can enable ConnectIt-Sage200’s tax code calculation which calculates the correct tax code for the document using the presence of a VAT number and the Delivery address country. This can be done by opening the ConnectIt configuration Utility and then opening the Customers tab. You can then Select Enable Tax Code Calculation which will activate tax code calculation. You are required to enter a Euro Tax Code and a Zero rated Tax code from the drop downs to ensure ConnectIt used the correct tax code for the Customer.
2) You can set the Sales document tax rate and tax code to come from the Sage Customers default tax rate. This can be done by opening the ConnectIt configuration Utility and then opening the Documents -> Main tab. You can then select the option Sales Order Tax Rate from Sage Customer.
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