1.Select the Stop Exclude column tick box if you would like to prevent Exclude Line types from the QuoteWerks document being transferred across to the Sage document.
2.Select the Stop Don’t Print column tick box if you would like to prevent Don’t Print Line types from the QuoteWerks document being transferred across to the Sage document.
3.The Sales Doc Notes 1,2,3 fields relate to the information that ConnectIt-Sage50 will transfer into the Sage document Notes 1,2,3 fields. By default this is the QuoteWerks Document Number (Notes 1) and Document Name (Notes 2). ConnectIt-Sage50 supports a number of macros to allow configuration to transfer a number of different field values across from QuoteWerks; for full details of the macros available please see the ConnectIt Knowledgebase article 90.