000205 : ConnectIt-Sage50 Configuration | Advanced tab settings
Created: |
08 Jul 2009 |
Last Updated: |
26 Sep 2014 |
1.Select the Suppress prompts that the document is unsaved tick box if you do not want to be notified when you transfer a QuoteWerks document into Sage.
2.Select the Suppress prompts that there are unsupported line types on the document tick box if you do not want to be notified when you transfer a QuoteWerks document into Sage.
3.Select the Suppress prompts that there are hidden line types on the document tick box if you do not want to be notified when you transfer a QuoteWerks document into Sage.
4.Select the Suppress prompts that there are line items with negative values on the document tick box if you do not want to be notified when you transfer a QuoteWerks document into Sage.
5.Select the Suppress prompts that Customers or Suppliers Balance exceeds their Credit Limit tick box if you do not want to be notified when you transfer a QuoteWerks document into Sage.
6.Select the Suppress prompts that the Product Code already exists in Sage tick box if when using the Wizard you do not want to be warned that the Product Code already exists in Sage.
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