000157 : How does ConnectIt-MAS match the QuoteWerks Company details to a Sage MAS Account Reference?
Created: |
15 Sep 2008 |
Last Updated: |
15 Sep 2008 |
How does ConnectIt-MAS match the QuoteWerks Company details to a Sage MAS Account Reference?
Resolution |
ConnectIt-MAS may perform up to four steps when trying to match the QuoteWerks Company details to a Sage MAS Customer account. ConnectIt-MAS will only move on to the next step if the Customer account was not found in the current step.
1.If the ‘Sage MAS Customer Account Reference is in QuoteWerks’ configuration option is ticked, then ConnectIt-MAS will perform a case insensitive search of the selected QuoteWerks custom field for the Account Reference in Sage MAS.
2.ConnectIt-MAS performs a case sensitive Fast Find full text search, matching the appropriate QuoteWerks ShipTo/SoldTo/BillTo Company Name to a Sage MAS Customer Name.
3.ConnectIt-MAS performs a case insensitive sequential full text search, matching the appropriate QuoteWerks ShipTo/SoldTo/BillTo Company Name to a Sage MAS Customer Name.
4.ConnectIt-MAS performs a case insensitive sequential partial text search, matching the ‘n’ characters of the appropriate QuoteWerks ShipTo/SoldTo/BillTo Company Name to a Sage MAS Customer Name.
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